Purchasing cryptocurrency using our services and paying with different payment methods is possible.
Some of our partners have the Google Pay option enabled, and you can use it as a payment method during the process. If a partner's platform offers this method, it will be displayed on the main payment page - checkout - in the bottom left corner. If the payment method is not visible there, it is not enabled for the particular platform. Additionally, you should be signed in to your Google and Google Pay accounts.
Once you click "G Pay", you will see the Google Pay account interface pop-up on the screen.
If you are not logged in to any Google Account at the moment of the payment attempt, you must log in first. Below, you can see the pop-up when a payment is carried out through a device/browser where you are already signed in to a Google Account with Google Pay successfully set up.
If all of the information within the Google Pay account is in order, you must press "Continue" to proceed. Once that is done, you will be presented with the page where you must acknowledge that you agree with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy (mandatory) and can select that you would like to receive occasional email offers (optional). Afterwards, the "Complete Payment" button must be pressed to proceed.
Once you press "Complete Payment", you will see that your information is being verified, and you need to leave this page/window open. You will not need to enter details, like card information, billing address, phone number, and others, as they are all already added to Google Pay when set up.
Later, you will be asked to verify your email by entering a 4-digit code, which will be sent to your inbox.
Once you confirm the email, you will see we are trying to connect to your bank. To continue, you must confirm the purchase with your bank - pass the 3D-Secure verification.
When the email is verified, you also might be asked to verify your identity.
More information about how to do it can be found here: How can I verify my identity live through Onfido?
As usual, you will receive all standard emails about your transaction situation.
Helpful article: Buying cryptocurrency through Simplex