If you are experiencing issues with the payment form and are unable to click the “Pay Now” button, please ensure that:
- You are not using non-Latin characters in the payment form
- You are not using any special characters, such as /, #, @ or -
- You have entered your phone number correctly - please make sure it doesn't have any spaces, hyphens or brackets. The phone number must be entered with the country code and a "+".
- You are not using "auto-fill" in the payment form, and you have entered everything manually
- Your card is issued by Visa or Mastercard
- Your current location and the location where your card was issued are supported. You can find the list of unsupported locations here.
- You are not using a VPN or any similar browser extensions during your purchase
Another cause of this issue might be the browser you use to issue the payment. You can try using the incognito/private or a different internet browser and, if needed, a different device.
If the suggestions above do not help, you may contact us directly via chat, email, or ticket submission.
Before reaching out, please take a screen capture of the payment form - we need it for successful troubleshooting and further investigation.
You can cover sensitive information in the image, like card numbers or CVV code.