Please be assured that you will receive your cryptocurrency if we approve your payment and you receive an email confirming this.
If it is not possible to deliver the coins to the chosen wallet address used in the payment for technical or other reasons, we can issue a full refund. If anything similar happens, we will contact you through the email used in the purchase.
It is worth mentioning that registering your transaction on the blockchain can sometimes take longer than you would expect. This depends on various factors, which Simplex has no control over. Funds are usually transferred immediately after the transaction is approved. However, they might take up to 1 hour to appear inside your wallet.
You can check on the delivery status of your cryptocurrency by copying and pasting your crypto address or the transaction hash on one of the blockchain websites, depending on which cryptocurrency you purchased.
You can use this site to find the relevant blockchain explorer (network) to search for your cryptocurrency.
You can find more information on how to locate the cryptocurrency on the blockchain in this video:
The funds are usually transferred within an hour after purchase, but if you still do not see them after 1 hour, please contact us, and we will investigate further.