The latest, up-to-date list of cryptocurrencies available for purchase using our services can be found here.
Additionally, the list includes relevant network explorer links for each particular coin. It can be used to search a specific wallet for transactions.
Please be informed that Simplex is not the actual cryptocurrency provider, exchange, or wallet service. We are a payment processing service used to process cryptocurrency purchases through specific platforms we partner with.
To purchase cryptocurrency, you must issue a transaction through one of our partner platforms. You can find more information about our partnerships here:
Simplex partners with trusted platforms selling popular, legitimate cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies sold using our services are not counterfeits or copies of original projects.
If you are unsure about the legitimacy of the platform you want to use or the cryptocurrency (coin) you wish to buy, please contact us directly. However, please note that we will not offer any advice or opinions regarding investing in cryptocurrency.