Payments can be declined for various reasons. They are usually declined when certain requirements are not met.
A payment can be declined from our side due to these reasons:
- If you have reached the daily/monthly purchasing limit (*information about limits),
- If you already have an active, pending transaction in progress,
- If you currently are in an unsupported location (*list of unsupported locations),
- If your document or card is issued in an unsupported location (*list of unsupported locations),
- If you are not of the legal age of 18 years,
- If you are using a document that does not belong to you,
- If you are using a card that does not belong to you,
- If you have entered your details incorrectly,
- If the full name entered in the system, on the card and your ID does not match,
- If you are using a wallet address that is not your own,
- If there are many attempts in a short period.
Additionally, payments may be declined by card issuers. These types of declines come solely from the issuer's side, and we can not see the exact reasons why this might have occurred. However, usually, card issuers may not let the transaction go through if the card does not meet any of these requirements:
- Your card is eligible for international transactions,
- You have enough money in the account to complete the transaction,
- You are enrolled in the 3DSecure program,
- The card issuer allows cryptocurrency purchases.
Please be informed that each card issuer may have its specific requirements and limits, so if the transaction were unsuccessful, it would be best to check with them to see if the card is eligible before trying to make a new payment.
In some cases, Simplex can decline the transaction based on our internal guidelines and policies that are required under the regulations of our license or to prevent suspected fraud. Based on these guidelines, we cannot always provide the exact reason for the decline. This information may be sensitive and used fraudulently by external parties.
It’s nothing personal - we are just protecting your and our data.