If you believe you have been scammed and sent cryptocurrency to a scammer, please contact us through our live chat by pressing the red chat button at the bottom right of the page or submitting a support request for us here.
Once your request is registered, we will contact you as soon as possible.
All of the information you can provide and any screenshots will help us look into the case further.
- How to avoid investment scams
- I have not heard of Simplex but you charged my card
- What are your Terms of Use?
- What is your Privacy Policy?
- What is your Cookie Policy?
- How can I trust that my details are secure?
- How long will you keep my data for?
- How can I delete all of my personal data?
- I work for the police/law enforcement/bank or other legal entity and would like to request information from Simplex
- I've received received a suspicious e-mail from Simplex
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