If the date of birth (or any other information, like your full name) that you entered on our page differs from the one seen on the document you have uploaded for identity verification, you will be sent an email asking you to re-upload your documents. In most cases, you can correct the date of birth or any other needed information by re-uploading your documents.
However, if you can not edit your information and the payment is in the pending status, please contact us directly.
- Submitting the questionnaire
- How can I verify my identity live through Onfido?
- What kind of verification is needed?
- Do I need to go through verification everytime I make a payment?
- I entered an incorrect date of birth, what should I do?
- Can I use P.O box address when filling in the details?
- My ID has expired and I'm waiting for a new one. What can I do?
- What if my camera is not working?
- How long does the verification take and can I get verified faster?
- How can I verify my identity and what documents are accepted?
Have more questions? Submit a request