There is a chance that your bank may charge an additional fee if they decide to treat your transaction as a cash advance. Most of the time, this can occur if you use a credit card for the purchase rather than a debit card.
Simplex does not charge additional fees apart from the processing fee, which is already included in the total cryptocurrency amount you will receive.
The card issuer controls the cash advance fee, like any other additional fee (international transaction, currency conversion, etc.).
It would be best to contact your bank directly to get more information about any additional fees you might encounter.
- Can I issue a chargeback?
- How can I delete a saved card when issuing a payment?
- Will my payment be treated as a "cash advance"?
- Can I use a virtual card to purchase cryptocurrency with Simplex?
- Is there a difference between using a credit card or debit card?
- What is a card processor?
- What is an issuing bank?
- Authorization hold - why was I charged before the approval of my payment or if my payment was not successful?
- Why is my MasterCard not supported?
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